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How to choose the right kitchen tool?


Several elements of buying Kitchen Knives:1 (1).jpg

1. Sharpness:

Sharpness is not the only standard to measure the quality of a tool, but it will give the user the most intuitive feeling. Although the blunt knife does little damage to the hand, the blunt knife will greatly increase the probability of mistakes. However, the damage of sharp knife is high and the error rate will be greatly reduced.

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2. Appearance:

On the basis of meeting the functional requirements, the kitchen knife is more and more exquisite in workmanship and more beautiful in design. Even if it is hung in the kitchen, it looks pleasing to the eye.

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3. Price:

As for the price of kitchen knives, some people say that 30 yuan is enough. Some people put the sky high price kitchen knives into their pockets, spending them in their own eyes and doing what they can.

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